Since I wrote that blog, I realized the same "theory" held true for any vibrational medicine -including essences. Wow! For some reason, that one set me back a bit more. Could that really be true? Yes, it is true- this is what vibrational medicine is all about. Hmm...
A part of me was a little bit nervous when I wrote about how to make your own supplies last for ever. It felt so big to me that I wanted to share and yet I was nervous I might upset some pretty big players. After all, a lot of people, corporations, and companies make money from selling vibrational medicine products and it doesn't seem as though they would want people to be "one time buyers only". Another part of me (the rebel me) wanted to be a real whistle blower on this! I was a little ticked that I had paid lots of money for remedies I could have been reproducing on my own. Were these guys no better than "big pharmacy". Hmm...
I did talk to a couple of homeopaths, naturopaths and people that make their living as healers, using vibrational medicines, and I was rather relieved but a bit surprised to hear they weren't worried about the "secret leaking out". In fact, most of them smiled at me and seemed appreciative of the fact that I had crossed a hurdle to true understanding. A few of them once again told me they had been trying to tell me that all along. In other words they hadn't been keeping it as a secret. I just hadn't been able to hear it. None of them are worried about me "leaking" something. In fact, that makes them laugh. They realize their jobs are threatened by this in any way. Most people still won't believe it.
See, the true healers I think, have been trying to tell people this for a long time. But the block is up and people can't hear it. We would rather trust others rather than ourselves and we need to think we are getting our healing and our potions from someone and something bigger than us, more powerful than us, outside of us. We buy in to the concept of "safety sealed" and "factory made" and "product testing". Homeopaths have told me that people would rather buy a sealed vial of remedies from a big company for more money that see the homeopath make it in front of them and hand it over for free- that's too "hokey" for most people. After all, "you get what you pay for". So the healers sigh and bring in the items they need. Hmm....
All this made me consider what else I am not hearing. What else am I blocking because I still cling to the "no pain, no gain principle"? What other things in my life have I limited because I'm looking for the proof, the "seal of authenticity", and the board approval?
I wrote a book review on Liz Murray's Breaking Night in an earlier post I marveled at how she could feel she was loved and not be bitter about her childhood. I certainly feel love, always have, but I believe I have the proof of that. People looked after me, provided for me, showed me, not just told me, I was loved. Liz didn't have the proof and yet she still felt it. That's a far different level of understanding. That is really "getting it" and refusing to put up any blocks. Liz didn't seem to need proof of love. She didn't believe there was a connection between food on the table and parental love. So, while she went lots of days and nights hungry, she had an infinite supply of love and never felt a lack. Hmm...
So... perhaps, any time we feel "lack" it's because we are asking for proof that has very little to do with the entity we are searching for. We miss the point because we are looking for evidence that does not exist or at least doesn't prove anything. Our left brains get in the way of our right brain knowing and ask for that explanation, that scientific proof.
I guess it's a matter of trust really. For some reason we place trust in strange places. How do I know what's in that bottle of remedies that is nicely sealed and labeled? But I paid for it- lots. So I trust that it's worth it. I for some crazy, intangible reason, that I have allowed myself to be conditioned to believe, think if I hand over money I will receive an appropriate amount of "something". And the more money I have to hand over the more "something" I must be getting. I place my "trust" in that concept, for no reason that I can fathom except that's how I've been socialized. I feel that might be pretty left-brained thinking.
When I allow my right brain a moment to interject I get some different ideas. I feel that any time someone has presented me with "hand- picked" dandelions or wild flowers or made a goofy picture, a hand made card, a spontaneous gift, an inexpensive but really meaningful item, that was evidence of love. It means more than an expensive bouquet of store bought flowers. Some of my greatest treasures are things like; a ring from a bubble gum machine, a handwritten letter, a worn friends' sweater, a sand dollar, a few rocks, a well washed, worn, and repaired stuffed animal..... None of these items were, or are, "worth" a lot of money. None of them came with pain. I didn't have to prove myself for any of them and no one was proving anything to me. None of them came with labels, seals, or papers of authenticity. Yet I feel their importance and their power even years later. Can I apply this feeling, this knowing, to other aspects of my life?
Maybe, when spiritual leaders, new age thinkers and others talk about manifesting and allowing as methods to get what we want we, they are really talking about releasing the block that prevents you from feeling what is actually right in front of you. Maybe if you stop needing to see the proof, the evidence, the fancy box, the shiny bottle, you'll actually feel the supply.
Maybe anything you "lack" is only lacking because you've blocked its' presence. Maybe you've blocked it by insisting on proof of its' existence, asking for tangible evidence, or thinking you haven't worked hard enough to deserve it yet. Maybe you've placed your trust in something outside yourself. Hmm....
It's the Labour Day Holiday in my part of the world. That seems to be appropriate to this post. It's an oxymoron I think- that "labour day" could be a "holiday". But maybe that's the point. If we stop working so hard, thinking so hard, asking for proof, "it" (whatever you lack) will actually be right there in front of you. If you stop working so hard, you'll get your holiday. Too easy? That's the point! I feel...
Happy Holiday!
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